

贷款 are a type of financial aid that must be repaid.


行政协调会参加威廉·D. Ford Federal Direct 贷款 Program (Direct 贷款). Eligibility for a need based loan (Subsidized) is determined before awarding a non-need 基础贷款(无补贴). ACC also participates in PLUS 贷款 for parents, and private/alternative 贷款.

贷款类型 贷款予 需要几个小时 信用检查 资金限额 利息在注册期间产生6小时 注册时需付款6小时 持续的资格
联邦直接补贴贷款 学生  6个小时 No  FAFSA results, Available Cost of Attendance, and grade level No  递延  取得令人满意的学业进展
联邦直接无补贴贷款 学生  6个小时 No  FAFSA results, Available Cost of Attendance, and grade level 是的  递延  取得令人满意的学业进展
联邦家长贷款(PLUS) 家长  6个小时 是的,父 FAFSA results and Available Cost of Attendance 是的  可以向服务人员请求延期吗 取得令人满意的学业进展
私人/替代贷款 学生  条款由贷款人设定 是的,学生 Credit worthiness and Available Cost of Attendance 条款由贷款人设定 条款由贷款人设定 条款由贷款人设定


  1. After a FAFSA 应用程序 and all required documents are submitted and complete, the ACC 金融援助 Office will review eligibility for grants (free money).
  2. Once grants are awarded (if eligible), an email will be sent to the student about 学生贷款. You must REPLY to the email if you would like your eligibility for a loan reviewed.
  3. The ACC 金融援助 Office will determine the student's eligibility for a loan, and send a 贷款 Award Notification email to the student. The student must complete the items in the email within 30 days, or the loan will 被取消.
  4. Disbursements will be made based on eligibility and enrollment.  登录POD for disbursement 日期s, or refer to the Disclosure Statement (sent to the borrower 由美国.S. 部门. 的教育).
  5. To reduce or cancel a loan, please email the ACC 金融援助 Office (fa@lunchpenny.com).

Important Information for ACC Federal 学生 贷款 Borrowers

  • You must be enrolled in at least six semester hours that are required for your ACC 学位/证书计划 to be eligible for a loan.
  • ACC must receive electronic confirmation from the U.S. 部门. 的教育 completed your entrance counseling and Master Promissory Note (MPN) at least seven 在您第一次付款日期的前几天. 如果没有收到电子确认 in time, your first disbursement will be scheduled for the next available disbursement 日期. 
  • 每笔贷款分两次发放.
  • Eligibility may be reduced or aid cancelled due to: not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements, changes in the availability of funds, changes in marital status, changes in financial resources, or enrolling in classes outside of the active ACC 学位/证书计划.
  • ACC does not automatically determine eligibility for additional unsubsidized 贷款. If seeking an additional loan, please email the ACC 金融援助 Office (fa@lunchpenny.com),以作适当的申请.
  • Eligibility may be limited if the student has been convicted of a felony or crime involving a controlled substance, or is in default on a 联邦贷款.
  • 有价值的信息 利率、费用、 and other important information can be found at studentaid.政府.

  1. After a FAFSA 应用程序 and all required documents are submitted and complete, the ACC 金融援助 Office will review eligibility for grants (free money).
  2. Once grants are awarded (if eligible), an email will be sent to the student about 学生贷款. The student must REPLY to the email if you would like your eligibility for a loan reviewed, and include information that the parent is applying for a PLUS 贷款.
  3. 家长s must complete a PLUS 贷款 Application at studentaid.政府.
  4. The credit approval or denial is forwarded electronically to ACC. 如果贷款被批准, ACC will contact the parent at the email address or phone number provided on the PLUS 应用程序. Additional information and instructions will be provided.
  5. Disbursements will be made based on eligibility and enrollment.
  6. To reduce or cancel a loan, please email the ACC 金融援助 Office (fa@lunchpenny.com).

Important Information for ACC 联邦家长贷款(PLUS) Borrowers

  • The student must be enrolled in at least six semester hours that are required for your ACC 学位/证书计划 to be eligible for a PLUS loan.
  • ACC must receive the approved credit confirmation at least fourteen days prior to 第一次付款日期. 如果没有收到电子确认 in time, the first disbursement will be scheduled for the next available disbursement 日期.
  • Eligibility may be reduced or aid cancelled due to: not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements, changes in the availability of funds, changes in marital status, changes in financial resources, or enrolling in classes outside of the active ACC 学位/证书计划.
  • Eligibility may be limited if the student has been convicted of a felony or crime involving a controlled substance, or if the student or parent are in default on a 联邦贷款.
  • Disbursement 日期s may be adjusted based on term enrollment within the semester.
  • 有价值的信息 利率、费用、 and other important information can be found at ed.政府.
  • ACC does not process Grad PLUS 贷款 made to the student.

  1. FAFSA results are not required to apply for a private/alternative loan. 然而,学生 and parents are highly encouraged to exhaust all federal and state aid eligibility prior to considering applying for a private/alternative loan.
  2. 行政协调会不能推荐私人贷款机构. 学生负责发现 and comparing lenders (a search can be done on the internet). 大多数私人贷款申请 也在网上完成吗.
  3. ACC receives private loan certification requests electronically, and will review the 应用程序 and contact the student at the phone number provided on the 应用程序 to discuss the terms of the loan and individual eligibility. 认证请求 must be received and reviewed at least 30 days prior to the desired disbursement 日期.
  4. An Award Notification is emailed to the student once the loan is processed.
  5. Disbursements will be made based on eligibility and enrollment.
  6. To reduce or cancel a loan, please email the ACC 金融援助 Office (fa@lunchpenny.com).

Important Information for 私人/替代贷款 Borrowers

  • Private/alternative 贷款 can be made in one, two, or three disbursements.
  • Disbursements will be made based on eligibility and enrollment.
  • Eligibility is limited by the cost of attendance for the projected period of enrollment, FAFSA results (if applicable), and other aid received.
  • Disbursement 日期s may be adjusted based on term enrollment within the semester.